Change Blindness

Change Blindness



Change blindness occurs when an observer fails to notice dramatic changes in an object or a scene. We often fail to notice changes in our visual field because the changes occur simultaneously with events that disturb our visual continuity. Such events include a lack of attention, obstructions to the visual field, and our own saccadic eye movements. Neuroimaging studies have revealed that the parietal and right dorsolateral prefontal lobes play a major role in change blindness. These areas of the brain show strong activation when a change in the environment is detected, and decreased activity when a change is not detected. Research has also revealed that those demonstrating Expertise in a particular area will notice changes faster than novices, and that the severity of change blindness increases with age. Real world applications in the areas of eye-witness testimony and driving performance has presently increased the interest in change blindness, making it a popular, robust area of study.


Testing For Change Blindness


Flicker Paradigm-Participants shown quick "flickering" between the two images until the change is recognized. Tests for speed and accuracy to detect changes




Forced Choice Detection Paradigm-Participants shown each picture once, and are then asked to tell the difference. Reveals that even when participants are instructed to consciously look for a change, the change may still go unnoticed



Mudsplashes-Images contain strategically placed shapes that do not cover the change in the picture, but could possibly prevent the change from being noticed. Reveals how visual obstructions can be dangerous, preventing us from noticing significant changes in our environment.




Related References



Wiki Create by: Crystal Smith


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