Framing Effect


Created by Mitchell Wade


The framing effect is the act of manipulating the way that information is given in order to alter the decision making and possible judgement of the information. The presentation or manipulation of information can occur in multiple ways. Images, words, the way a sentence is worded, or a general context around certain information can make it influential to how people perceive it. There are two different types of frames. We have positive frames and negative frames. A positive frame is one that creates a positive feeling within the subject, proactive behavior, and it is meant to promote an ability to take risks. Negative framing does just the opposite. It creates negative feelings within a person and is supposed to suppress the feeling of wanting to take a risk. Two factors, stress and the constraint of time, amplify the effect of either a positive frame or a negative frame. Framing can become extremely excessive and contradicting. This can create a state of mind called cognitive dissonance which makes the interpreter rely on his or her own past frames about a situation.The framing effect is widely used in politics, and within large corporations in order to pursued a person to lean towards one candidate or to buy a certain item.



This add appeals to the negative side of framing. The ads are trying to bash different candidates in order to swing votes.

Coca-Cola using the image as a framing effect. The choose to use a beautiful woman in order to appeal to the audience. This is a positive form of framing that invokes positive feelings.




1. This is a video link that will help with the understanding of decision making. 

2. Great website that shows decision making, and ways to frame a statement or question. 

3. Simple way to learn the framing effect. 

4. This gives explanations of how the media can frame political issues. 

5. Great website that shows how we see framing in the media. 

6. This is a more drastic form of framing in society. Explains in a video how we view society due to framing. 

7. This website describes a little bit of the background of framing, and it gives small examples. 

8. This shows the prospective view of framing, and it goes into great depth.

9. This is a great link to a pdf file that explains risky decisions and the framing effect. 

10. Another great link to a pdf file that describes possible ways actually beat and get over the framing effect.




Created by: Mitchell Wade

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