Cognitive Mapping

    Cognitive Maps  


      Cognitive Mapping is a cognitive process where individuals are able to mentally represent their surroundings. That representation can include the exact specifics of a location and the general area of a location. Cognitive maps are a small part of a person's spatial cognition. Cognitive maps are very reliant on rotations, the dimensions that we give each location and on orientations. Cognitive mapping is a skill that is regularly used by our cognitive process. However, cognitive mapping abilities have also been found in animals. In the 1940's, psychologist Edward Tolman began research on rats to determine if we remembered places and their features on a trial by error process. He found that the rats became more familiar with his course as they ran through it more, which was evidenced by the fact that the rats were finishing the course faster. This verified that the rats had to have come up with a mental representation of the course because, otherwise, they should have taken a similar amount of time to finish the course (regardless of the amount of times the course had been run through). It has been found through research that cognitive mapping does not suffer if the conditions around the map that has been mentally represented have changed. For example, the rats in Tolman's experiments could still find their way through the course, even if the maze was filled with water. Cognitive mapping is a vital skill for many living organisms and it is the reason we do not get lost in places we have been in before.








1.       What is Cognitive Mapping

          A small description of what cognitive mapping is and how the concept was born

2.       Beginning Studies on Cognitive Mapping

          Describes the first studies on cognitive mapping and many cognitive mapping techniques

3.       Information Systems and Cognitive Maps

          An article that examines how cognitive mapping techniques have been used in the development of information systems

4.       The Beauty of Cognitive Maps

          Discusses cognitive mapping in terms of aesthetics (an appreciation of beauty) and Google Earth

5.       Rat Maze Experiment (Replication)

          A rat demonstrating the ability of cognitive processing in a maze

6.       Latent Learning and Cognitive Mapping

          This video shows how closely related "latent learning" and cognitive mapping are

7.       Cognitive Maps and GPS

          A study about the effects of navigation systems on cognitive mapping abilities

8.       Possible Representations for Non-Locations

          Shows a few possibilities of how we see time structures cognitively represented (ex. Days of the week)

9.       Architecture and Cognitive Maps

          This article examines the importance of cognitive maps in architecture

10.     Cognitive Mapping and the Blind

          This article discusses cognitive mapping abilities in the blind


This web page was created by Samuel Dunham. If there are any issues with any copyright material on this page, contact Samuel Dunham at