Cognitive Psychology

Welcome to Cognitive Psychology at Mercer University


Each student has created a wiki page based on a topic of their choice. The topics are listed below.




Analogy Theory as the Foundation for Cognition Eyewitness Testimony Memory in Old Age Schemas
Anterograde Amnesia Face Perception Mental Rotation Selective Attention
Bilingualism False Memories Metacomprehension Semantics
Bilingual Language Acquisition Flashbulb Memories Metamemory in Children Serial-position Effect
Broca's Area Framing Effect Mnemonics Slips-of-the-tongue

Change Blindness

Functional Fixedness Motor Imagery Practice Source Monitoring
Cognitive Dissonance Hindsight Bias Multi-tasking Speech Acts
Cognitive Maps Heuristics Music and Memory Speech Perception
Cognitive Interviews Illusory Contours Parallel Distributed Processing Stroop Effect
Creativity Implicit/Explicit Memory Perceptual Illusions Synethesia
Divided Attention Language Acquisition Phonological Loop Thought Suppression

Distributed Practice

Language in Infants Procedural Memory Tip-of-the-tongue
Dual Coding Lateralization Reading Comprehension and Inferences Typicality Effect
Emotion and Memory, The Limbic System Left-Right Brain Dominance Reading Processes 
Wernicke's Area
Emotion, Mood, and Memory
Levels of Processing
Reading Learning Methods Working Memory - Baddeley's Model
 Expertise Memory in Children Reterograde Amnesia